Der diesjährige Tag der offenen Tür fand ganz untypisch bei herrlichem Wetter statt – im Gegensatz zu den vergangenen Jahren, die oft von Schneefall…
Erasmus Projekttreffen in Peterborough
Unsere Partnerschule Thomas Deacon Academy, die uns durch ihre ungewöhnliche moderne Architektur beeindruckte, wird von über 2000 Schülern unterschiedlichster nationaler
Herkunft besucht und ist in verschiedene „Houses“ unterteilt. Multikulturell wie die Schulgemeinschaft waren auch die Gastfamilien unserer Schüler (pakistanisch, arabisch, portugiesisch...), bei denen sich alle Schüler sehr wohl gefühlt haben.
Das Programm der Woche war natürlich vom Projektthema Fair Trade geprägt. Am ersten Tag berichteten Schüler der einzelnen Schulen nach der
Begrüßung durch den Direktor von den Fair Trade Aktivitäten in den jeweiligen Ländern. Unsere Schüler zeigten die Fair Trade Mini-Filme unseres Fair Trade Workshops und berichteten vom Fair Trade Stand und der Projektpräsentation am Tag der offenen Tür. Danach ging es um die Verarbeitung der Fair Trade Shops-Listen der einzelnen Heimatstädte, die die Schüler zusammengetragen hatten. Eine Vertreterin der Royal Geographical Society zeigte den Schülern, wie diese Daten in Google Maps präsentiert werden können.
Am zweiten Tag gab es für die
Schüler eine „Business Challenge“.
In international gemischten
Gruppen mussten sie aus einem
Fair Trade Jutesack ein Produkt
entwickeln und einen Businessplan
für eine Firma erstellen, mit der
dieses Produkt vermarktet werden
sollte. Mit große Kreativität und
interessanten Wirtschaftsideen
präsentierten die Gruppen ihre
Ergebnisse. Im dritten Workshop,
das von der Fair Trade Foundation
durchgeführt wurde, ging es um Fair Trade Fußbälle und danach um ein Rollenspiel, in dem die Schüler als Orangenfarmer eines Dritte-Welt Landes mit Orangen handeln mussten.
Natürlich gab es auch ein Besichtigungs- und Freizeitprogramm. In Peterborough selbst ist vor allem die gotische Kathedrale berühmt, die zu den schönsten in England zählt und bei einem Ganztagesausflug nach Cambridge konnten wir die verschiedenen Colleges der Universität besichtigen. Eine Punting Tour am Fluss Cam war trotz kaltem Wetter ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis. An einem der Nachmittage konnten sich die Schüler beim „Bouncing“
(Trampolinspringen) austoben. Das absolute Highlight für die meisten Schüler war aber der Ausflug zur Harry Potter World der Warner Bros Studios, wo wir nach einem kurzen Filmworkshop in die Zauberwelt Hogwarts eintauchen und viele Requisiten, Masken und Szenenbilder aus den Harry Potter Filmen sehen konnten.
Mit Souvenirs aus der Zauberwelt und
vielen schönen Erinnerungen an eine gelungene Projektwoche kehrten wir am Samstag wieder zurück nach Hause.
Und hier sind einige Eindrücke der Schüler
Und hier sind einige Eindrücke der Schüler
The trip to England was really amazing. It was not only a lot of fun but we also learned a lot about the production of different products and why you should buy Fairtrade products instead of others. When we arrived in England we got picked up by our host families. My host family was really nice and whenever I needed something, they tried their best to help me, so I am really glad I got such an awesome host family. On the first two days of the project we did lots of activities based around Fairtrade. I really liked the activity where we had to build our own football out of newspapers, plastic bags and small ropes. But Thursday was probably my
favorite day because we went to Harry
Potter World. Harry Potter World is
basically a Warner Bros. Studio in
Watford, where they display all the
different places and the equipment used to
film Harry Potter. But the other days also
were a lot of fun, especially the trip to
“Bounce”, which is a trampoline park near
Peterborough and the trip to Cambridge,
where I bought lots of awesome souvenirs.
I also really enjoyed the trip because I got
the chance to practice my English-
speaking skills and I made lots of new friends, who I am still in contact with now. I am already looking forward to hopefully meeting some of them again at the meeting in Austria. (Harry Semmelrock)
Our wonderful week in the UK started on Sunday when my friends and I flew to Peterborough.The journey took us about 7 hours and when we came there our host families came to pick us up.. My host and his mother were very nice friendly Portuguese people and welcomed me friendly. At the school we had a fair trade workshop and went afterwards to Bounce. It was so funny and my friends and I had lots of fun there. We also went to see the Cathedral of Peterborough, which is a
huge church in the centre of Peterborough. Our guide had such an impressive voice, that it got very thrilling and I liked it a lot. On Thursday we went to the Harry Potter World. We saw so many original props, which were used in the film. It was very impressive and so interesting. On Friday we made a
trip to Cambridge. We made a boat
tour and we saw the University of
Cambridge. The boatman told us
some very interesting things, even
though it wasn’t that easy to
understand him, because he had an
accent. The day of departure was a
sad day and my friends and I would
have liked to stay longer because we
had a great time and we really
enjoyed it.(Oscar Kozeschnig)
The first and the second day of our project week we made different FAIR- TRADE-workshops. The Wednesday started with a FAIR-TRADE-football- presentation and we had to made a football with newspaper, plastic bags and strings. Our team (students from Denmark, Slovakia and Austria) won this competition and I think our team was the best one. In the evening our Austrian group went with some Italian and English students to town. The Thursday
was the best day. We travelled to Harry Potter world. It was sooooo nice. Every Harry Potter fan has to see this. A big thank you goes to my hosts, the Hibberts. It was so nice to stay with this family. It was a great experience and it
was cool to make new friends. (Stefan
In England we stayed at host families, who
were all completely different. Peterborough
is a multicultural town, some English, some
pakistani, arabic, muslims,......I didn't think
I would be hosted by such a friendly family.
I felt very comfortable there. Noor, my
host, was such a nice and lovely person.
She was the youngest child of my host
family, which had 4 children. Also the food was sooooooo good. On Wednesday we went to „Bounce“, which is an indoor trampoline park in England. We all looked forward to go there. It was amazing there, but also exhausting.The next day we went to "The making of Harry Potter". It was so great. We all also spent a lot of money, because everyone bought something. In the evenings we were in town shopping or drinking something. I made a lot of
new friends and it was very funny. (Julia Sifrar)
One of the highlights of the Fairtrade project was the visit to the Harry Potter World where we looked at all famous requisites, rooms, monsters and the clothes of the actors. It was fantastic. At the Cambridge university, we made a boat ride. We learned a few things about the university and took beautiful memories with us. On the way to the Cambridge
university, we stopped at Hotel Chocolat to see and buy some chocolate. My host family was very nice to me all of the time and had everything perfectly organized. It was an unforgettable experience, the highlights made it a wonderful trip. (Wiktor Rauter)
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